Thursday, June 6, 2013

Child support isnt for the children.

The results.
As I predicted a decade ago we will be raising a generation of homicidal youths BC hit a global gang title rate. Many have said that's close enough for a prediction.
The gangs were attracted by a north american property crime title and followed by a new child poverty record, followed by a dismal report on the mental health of our youth.
These are the results of government crafting the divorce act that has one purpose, to increase government revenue.
 The undeniable factual proof that government has placed child support as more important to the next election than to the next generation is at.

The courts are not gender bias they are tax bias.


At June 8, 2013 at 3:29 PM , Blogger robert smith said...

Gen U
A decade ago using sole custody to generate a tax Canada set a record for the highest number of parent denied children generating Gen U.
The record property crime of 2009 and the most gangs per capita of 2010 are the parents and older siblings of Gen U.
Turning street age in 2015 Gen U will be the first generation to be outnumbered by seniors. They will not have wealthy boomer parents but mostly from single parent families currently leading the charge into poverty. With current record child poverty and record high youth unemployment when told to out on the yoke to pay down record public debt Gen U will say upurs.
The effects are already being felt. The risk to investment from Generation Upurs has already curtailed investment in everything but raw resources. Even though value added from our raw resources is best for Canada and its what the majority want the government has no to any value added industry.
Value added industry requires committed risk investment which dryed up by 2006 when faced with the actual investment risk posed by Gen U.
From a decade ago.
no justice, no investment.
International investors completed their exodus in 2006. Just 5 years ago the TSE was 2000 points ahead of the DOW. Today its almost 3000 behind.
The government says their is no problem, no one did anything wrong. Really, where are the value added investors? Why was it necessary to cook the crime statistics to keep the crime rate down? How did this province hit record property crime, record gangs, record child poverty and a dismal youth mental health study in the last 4 years.
British Columbia has a top G8 economy with well over 80% of child support collected, how did we hit another record child poverty record? Why do we need mega prisons?
No one did anything wrong, ya right.
I've asked many in government several times how they plan on dealing with Gen U, the stock answer, there is no problem yet we're building bigger prisons.
It looks like they plan on locking up the truth by locking up their victims.
Banks, to big to fail.
Government, to big to jail.

At June 8, 2013 at 4:49 PM , Blogger robert smith said...

no justice no investment was never a threat, it was a prediction.
Gen U turning street age in 2015 is much more than a prediction.


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