Friday, December 12, 2008


List of Liars

February 22, 2009

The list of liars I have proof of including instances of ignoring rules regulations or laws. RCMP, on several occasions, 2 school principles, Thornton, (lawyer), Family Justice Councilors, Madame Justice Baker, FMEP, Ombudsman, and now the Ministry of Human resources on Feb. 18, 2009.
This does not include the list of abuser that are directly responsible for the many assaults my children suffered through by being returned to the abuser to be punished for telling.

Last fall I explained the Ombudsman was looking into inaccuracies of previous statements made by FMEP and others. I explained if they forced me to sign up for CPP I would lose enough income to be without rent money. They forced me to sign by withholding my pension check until I signed.
On the 18th of this month I was told I willingly signed them last fall. To back up this claim I was given documentation noted by Linda Bakuska that quotes a conversation, according to Bakuska, it was my choice, that I didn`t want any options, that it was what I wanted.
If I was not forced, and willingly signed, why did I write `under duress` on every signature line before I signed my name? They didn`t notice and now come back with this outrageous lie that I wanted to sign when the proof I was forced is right on the form. The Ombudsman says all lies generated are within system norms.
This is standard operating procedure in all cases concerning children. There is no fixing a system so corrupt, the only option is to take a big broom and clean out the rats nest of liars cheats and child abusers. Look what the`ve done to the coming generation as now being witnessed in Vancouver.

They say gangs are the problem yet it`s been over 2 years since Vancouver gained the status of highest property crime rate of NA, 4 times higher than NYC, long before gangs almost tripled in size.
How do we expect to get honestly, integrity and truth from our elected officials when corruption from Ottawa has infected the entire system right down to the front line?
Bukuska lied and said it was my choice to commit financial suicide, lets not forget it`s all our choices to commit societal suicide by supporting a system broken by corruption.

no justice, no investment

Think I`m kidding?

I once interviewed a government employee who transferred out of the Ministry of Women with Children because no one cared about the children and if you did your career was over.

One worker forged a complaint document accusing a father of molesting his children ( ). Even though this was proved a false allegations it continued through several hearing by the father trying to end the resultant expensive supervised visitation. A judge finally asked the father how he could expect unsupervised visitation when there were active sexual abuse complaints. It took a special advocate to track down the continuing false reports to a worker. Father finally resumes the most important thing to a child while the worker was not fired, not reprimanded, but in keeping with incremental change was simply transferred to a different office.

Why would big money be foolish enough to invest in a country of massive and of increasingly noticeable (Vancouver, world gang capital) social decline that has become sop of a corrupt and broken system? Just give me one reason, even a weak one.

The issue is the highest number of parent denied children following the highest sole custody rate in Cdn history after the 1998 report `For the Sake of the Children`, even after instructions from the federal level to abide and reduce sole custody.

I`m sure many will challenge the current events and how we arrived. I welcome a challenge as I`m sure there are many plausible explanations. I have heard a few. Some like `just a bunch of disgruntled fathers trying to get out of supporting their children`. We all know the government keeps a support paid for the children most in need. We know the provinces that collect the highest percentage of child support have the highest youth problems. Child support is a failed program, fact. Disgruntled about paying child support, you bet because we`re tired of paying out the money we need to be a parent going to the government. OK so you don`t get it, I guess you`d have to be a father to understand watching the government intentionally deny your childrens potential immorally and unconstitutionally causes that disgruntled feeling, plausible.

`It`s all not true, crime is under control`.

Why is the government cooking the crime rates if this isn`t a problem. My guess is they don`t want the public to start asking why, who, how.

Here`s a good stovetop recipe.

Surrey's crime rate plummets

Break and enters fall 27 per cent and drug crimes are down 21 per

*This one is interesting, they mention new programs where offenders
are given restrictions or courses that are not tabulated in the
crime rate but don`t give any numbers on program attendance to compare
against the tabulated events.*

More at


The fact crime rates are cooked can`t support the notion everything is fine, be happy.

The root cause of the 39% increase in mischeif in Vancouver in a year is parent denied children. A short media piece on some msm but no talk of the government investigating, no problem, be happy.
When the federal Liberal Party has getting to the root causes of crime in the election platform they always address the crime, not the root causes, curious qui?
Pretty hard to pass that off as disgruntled fathers even if the media buys it, international investors don`t. Years ago They were appraised of the future Canada has from the data, now the have physical proof in Vancouver BC Canada.

Disgruntled fathers, crime down, fathers abandoned their children, child support is the most important thing to a child, children don`t need fathers. That`s the rhetoric that`s used to support sole custody, no supporting facts so I certainly welcome anyone to challenge the facts.

btw my last stop in my personal quest for justice rests with the B.C. Ombudsman office in Victoria BC.
I`ve contacted then 3 times now over the last year. They sent me on a wild goose chase delaying the issue long enough to insure I`ve be out on the street before the facts can be reviewed and my name cleared.

I usually end with a reminder, no justice no investment. I`ll add, or be quick and prove me wrong or do it the hard way.

Did I mention, up yours?
The system is oblivious to the increasing numbers of youth saying up yours. As more social and economic pressures mount as they become outnumbered by seniors etc more and more will say, up yours. The fact is gangs are the result of decades of failed federal government policy, child support being just one. Killing me won`t change cause, or support a solution, denial of the science won`t change course to a disastrous future for the next generation.

February 18, 2009

Gisela Hauschildt

Enforcement Officer

Congratulations. Your letter writing campaign left me too broke to be a father and now you enforcing a lie has left me without enough money to pay the rent.

Have you noticed that the provinces that collect the most child support have 50% more youth problems than the ones that collect the least. With 80% of repeat young offenders coming from a parent denied family and the current explosion in Vancouver with gangs (highest per capita of anywhere on the face of the planet) now being fed by the historically highest number of parent denied children now flooding the streets, I say again to you personally, well done.
Does it bother you abusing children by bankrupting the father out of there lives? Not just mine but the tens of thousands just in Vancouver alone. Have you ever seen the anguish a child goes through when they lose a much loved parent? You should be very ashamed but then again it`s obvious you don`t believe in God so I don`t imagine you or your ilk are bothered by a few thousand children abused by your deeds.

Did I mention, up yours?

Reply sent by FMEP on February 19, 2009
Dear Robert Joseph Smith,

Your comments are inappropriate - further messages of this nature will not be responded to. However, we are happy to respond to questions that are specific to the issues on your file.


Wendy Rose
Enforcement Manager

Wendy Rose

I suspect there has been a breakdown in communication.

The idea that child support is for the children is false and you are well aware of the recipient of the bulk of money you collect. Not that I care what scam is used to fund some personal political agenda but I do care what happens to the next generation.
Casual observances shows us decades of studies that show not losing a parent is the most important thing to a child of divorce while child support isn`t even on most lists. This is now a proven fact in Vancouver BC where the second highest amount of child support collected has resulted in the highest number of youth problems. However the highest amount of enforcement also leads to the highest number of non-custodial parents that can`t afford to be a parent.
The scuttlebutt floating around that gangs are the problem is a red herring. Vancouver achieved the noble status of the property crime capital of the world 2 years ago before gangs almost tripled in size. All this during an economic boom when crime traditionally falls off dramatically. Gangs are the result, not the cause. Even having the highest historical number of police on the streets have not slowed a flood of parent denied children onto the streets committing crimes and swelling gang numbers.
Add to that this generation will be outnumbered by seniors in a decade long economic decline with health care quadrupling, crime at all time highs with few opportunities to secure a decent future.
A great many of these children have suffered the abuse because the parent was bankrupted by FMEP so in the best interests of the children the comments were very appropriate, and rather than refusing to comment you should be explaining how you plan on resolving the issue of causing lifelong trauma in so many children.

Over the next 5 years the highest number of parent denied children ever will be flooding Cdn streets and you`re calling these comments inappropriate. In light of the masses of children of this generation abused by being denied a parent, you need a better excuse not to answer than inappropriate.


Robert Smith

March 16, 2009

Wendy Rose
Enforcement Manager

According to Linda Blackman of the ombudsman office in a letter dated Feb. 11 09 I can have an exemption from FMEP if there is not sufficient funds left to meet my basic needs. Although I have stated several times I will not be able to meet the rent if you seize any money on the amount I`ve already paid.

Why have you not given me an exemption so I can keep a roof over my head?


Robert Smith

Reply sent by FMEP on March 19, 2009
Dear Robert Joseph Smith,

An exemption is already in place on all Federal Government attachments to CPP. We can only garnish 25% of the total amount paid on your CPP. The other 75% is already exempt from our attachment.
A further exemption must be applied for and reviewed with your Enforcement Officer, Gisela Hauschildt. I will ask your Enforcement Officer to send out the forms which you must complete in full and return to us. A repayment proposal towards the arrears must be included on these forms. Please note, an exemption is not automatically granted upon request and a repayment arrangement must be reached before the


March 21, 2009

Wendy Rose
Enforcement Manager
"a repayment arrangement must be reached before the program agrees to increase the amount already exempted"

In 1998 when I could return to the work force after cancer I was told I would be required to send 50% of my wages to you. I spoke with Peter of Free Rein in Hope BC. I explained it would be very difficult to start out with nothing, lose 50%, and still have gas money to get to work. He spoke with FMEP and reported to me they said they would only collect 35%. Being the top of the preferred hire list for the many companies I`d worked for I was dumfounded not to get hired by any till one told me they had received a letter from FMEP regarding their obligation to remove 50%. Fearing I would disrupt the crew because I would be making only half of the rest they wouldn`t hire me.
Even though I was willing to pay the bill again I was denied my right to work by your actions. Now both my mind and body are broken leaving no doubt I`ll ever go back to work and you want a repayment schedule even though you know I`m only pennies from making my rent. You obviously want me out on the street where I will shortly die of exposure.
FMEP has cost me the most productive years of my life never to be returned and you want a repayment arrangement. It is certainly obvious to me that you have never had collecting money as a priority but rather persecuted to death the objective.

Robert Smith


March 24, 2009

Wendy Rose
Enforcement Manager

Gisela Hauschildt

Well after ten years of unjustly persecuting me over child support I`ve paid you notice I`m in dire straights. I`m sure a good plan coming together must be pleasing.
You are fully aware that Leona Baker is lying. She told my kids the money was to pay her lawyer and her answer to you was just plain vague, "other things". There is no requirement to pay court costs or legal fees in the order. She is lying and you have known it all along yet you continue to persecute me to the point where you have taken away my right to work and now my right to life itself.
Now that you`ve succeeded in forcing me out of life itself you want me to get down on my knees and beg for my life with a `payment schedule`.

Let me tell you, long before I give in to the evil you have perpetrated on me,,, I will die on my feet long before I`ll live on my knees.

I am not now nor ever was in arrears in child support.

Robert Smith

The End


At December 17, 2008 at 11:22 AM , Blogger robert smith said...

This message didn`t make it on a Liberal website mentioned at the bottom.
The thread was about the Cdn Conservative (perceived economic saving ideology)PM misleading the country on the economy.
How about the Liberals (perceived social champions) misleading the country on social issues???

This is important stuff. This is the generation that will be out numbered by seniors who will be indentured with hundreds of billions Ottawa is considering spending.

Are they all freaking crazy?

btw I sent a an email to the contact for The Faculty of Law, University of Toronto? with my response to the `Conference Notice (message 22982)` in message 22983. Nether George nor the conference contact have responded.
You`ll notice George has yet to respond to the highest number of parent denied children in Cdn history spiking mischief complaints.
George and the CBA are not interested in solving the situation, only some way of explaining it under standard protocol of plausible deniability.
Fair warning, take nothing these people have to say seriously until they get serious and address the situation. Fair warning, take no action until the results of change take effect. No rhetoric or phoney meetings creating plausible deniability no action until the results we`ve outlined show in real time.


Study Links Child Aggression to Time in Day Care
SALT LAKE CITY, August 21, 2003

The aggression study is by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and found 17% of daycare children more aggressive, disobedient and more engaged in conflict, regardless of family background, quality or type of care and temperament.


Preschool Damages Children’s Social Skills and Emotional Development
By Terry Vanderheyden
November 10, 2005
BERKELEY, California, November 10, 2005 ( – Preschool has a negative effect on a child’s social and emotional development, according to a study of 14,000 US preschool children.


What Can We Learn from Quebec’s Universal
Childcare Program?
By Michael Baker, Jonathan Gruber and Kevin Milligan
February 1, 2006

Several measures we looked at suggest that children were worse off in the
years following the introduction of the universal childcare program. We studied a
wide range of measures of child well-being, from anxiety and hyperactivity to
social and motor skills. For almost every measure, we find that the increased use
of childcare was associated with a decrease in their well-being relative to other

Furthermore, we find that several important measures of well-being show
parents to be worse off. The survey data showed that mothers of the children in
daycare were more depressed, as indicated by the significant rise in their
depression scores relative to the average.


Study Shows Canada’s Universal Daycare Plan Has “Strikingly Negative” Consequences
TORONTO, February 2, 2006

In summary, the findings revealed that children in daycare were 17 times more hostile than children raised at home, and almost three times more anxious.


Largest US Child Study Finds Early Child Care Linked to Aggression and Disobedience
Results proved true regardless of quality of center-based care they received
WASHINGTON, March 26, 2007

Teachers reported more frequent problem behaviours such as: child demands a lot of attention; argues a lot; bragging and boasting; cruelty, bullying or meanness to others; destroys things belonging to others; disobedient at school; gets into many fights; lying or cheating; screams a lot.


UNICEF: Daycare is "A high-stakes gamble with today's children and tomorrow's world"
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski
December 16, 2008

A study released in 2006 of universal daycare as currently offered in Quebec revealed that children in daycare were 17 times more hostile than children raised at home, and almost three times more anxious.

Preschool Damages Children’s Social Skills and Emotional Development

Posted to;

At February 3, 2009 at 10:30 PM , Blogger voxpopuli said...

British Columbia Hides Justice Report

As previously documented on Canada cooking the crime rate starting with
instructions to the police to stop arresting our youth to
misrepresenting the data they have now taken to just plain hiding
The BC government has been in possession of a justice report since last
November and has still no intention of releasing it or stating when it
We told them what the results of ignoring the report `For the Sake of
the Children` and caught them cooking the crime rate and now hiding
reports because we were right.
With mischief from the generation we warned about up 39% in Vancouver
last year over year it`ll take more than hiding the reports to hide the

At February 9, 2009 at 11:57 AM , Blogger robert smith said...

Gisela Hauschildt

FMEP # 20238

Re Your letter dated Feburary 4, 2009

I remind you again I do not owe the arrears you are going to monitor.
As previously explained I`ve paid the arrears while out of the workfoce with cancer through my share of the sale of assets in 1998 as agreed to with Justice Powers in 1996.
Last spring you asked for documentation on why I was unable to pay on the alleged arrears, I sent you my disability papers dating back to 2000 as requested. You continue to persecute me even though you know I`m one dollar away from being homeless over child support monies the recipient says `was for other things` to you but can`t say what those other things were.
Your previous actions of informing all my past employers they would have to send half my earning to you ended any chance I had of getting a job back in 1999, the only year I was able to return to
work. I spent 35 working my way to the top as a polio child with a grade 8 education only to have your letter writing campaign of persecution kill the last 10 years of my life that would have been the most productive. You intentionally sabotaged any chance I might of had of paying the bill twice just so my children could have their father.

As the provinces that collect the most child support have the highest incidences of youth problems, the thin veil of professing this is for the children, is far to transparent when the obvious persecution and lies from FMEP in my case makes it plain the interests of the children is the last thing on your mind.

The lie that I hadn`t paid for my children effectively allowed the mother to beat the children to the ground when they asked to see me. I had to stay away to stop the abuse consequently they had to grow up without both parents.
Mischief in Vancouver from the highest number of parent denied children in Cdn history up 39%, well done.

At February 26, 2009 at 8:39 AM , Blogger robert smith said...

Did I mention, up yours?

The system is oblivious to the increasing numbers of youth saying up yours. As more social and economic pressures mount as they become outnumbered by seniors etc more and more will say, up yours. The fact is gangs are the result of decades of failed federal government policy, child support being just one. Killing me won`t change cause, or support a solution, denial of the science won`t change course to a disastrous future for the next generation.

February 18, 2009

Gisela Hauschildt

Enforcement Officer

Congratulations. Your letter writing campaign left me too broke to be a father and now you enforcing a lie has left me without enough money to pay the rent.

Have you noticed that the provinces that collect the most child support have 50% more youth problems than the ones that collect the least. With 80% of repeat young offenders coming from a parent denied family and the current explosion in Vancouver with gangs (highest per capita of anywhere on the face of the planet) now being fed by the historically highest number of parent denied children now flooding the streets, I say again to you personally, well done.
Does it bother you abusing children by bankrupting the father out of there lives? Not just mine but the tens of thousands just in Vancouver alone. Have you ever seen the anguish a child goes through when they lose a much loved parent? You should be very ashamed but then again it`s obvious you don`t believe in God so I don`t imagine you or your ilk are bothered by a few thousand children abused by your deeds.

Did I mention, up yours?

Reply sent by FMEP on February 19, 2009
Dear Robert Joseph Smith,

Your comments are inappropriate - further messages of this nature will not be responded to. However, we are happy to respond to questions that are specific to the issues on your file.


Wendy Rose
Enforcement Manager

Wendy Rose

Your comments are inappropriate - further messages of this nature will not be responded to.


Wendy Rose
Enforcement Manager

I suspect there has been a breakdown in communication.
The idea that child support is for the children is false and you are well aware of the recipient of the bulk of money you collect. Not that I care what scam is used to fund some personal political agenda but I do care what happens to the next generation.
Casual observances shows us decades of studies that show not losing a parent is the most important thing to a child of divorce while child support isn`t even on most lists. This is now a proven fact in Vancouver BC where the second highest amount of child support collected has resulted in the highest number of youth problems. However the highest amount of enforcement also leads to the highest number of non-custodial parents that can`t afford to be a parent.
The scuttlebutt floating around that gangs are the problem is a red herring. Vancouver achieved the noble status of the property crime capital of the world 2 years ago before gangs almost tripled in size. All this during an economic boom when crime traditionally falls off dramatically. Gangs are the result, not the cause. Even having the highest historical number of police on the streets have not slowed a flood of parent denied children onto the streets committing crimes and swelling gang numbers.
Add to that this generation will be outnumbered by seniors in a decade long economic decline with health care quadrupling, crime at all time highs with few opportunities to secure a decent future.
A great many of these children have suffered the abuse because the parent was bankrupted by FMEP so in the best interests of the children the comments were very appropriate, and rather than refusing to comment you should be explaining how you plan on resolving the issue of causing lifelong trauma in so many children.

Over the next 5 years the highest number of parent denied children ever will be flooding Cdn streets and you`re calling these comments inappropriate. In light of the masses of children of this generation abused by being denied a parent, you need a better excuse not to answer than inappropriate.


Robert Smith


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